Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML

When working with LookML, Looker’s modeling language, one of the most powerful features is the ability to leverage SQL within your data models. While Looker provides a user-friendly interface for building dashboards and exploring data, Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML can significantly enhance the flexibility and performance of your LookML models. By mastering SQL within LookML, you can write custom queries that are optimized for your data and your reporting needs, giving you more control and better insights.

In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into advanced Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML, covering custom SQL for dimensions and measures, debugging and optimizing SQL queries, and reusing SQL code for more efficient modeling.

1. Writing Custom SQL for Dimensions and Measures

LookML allows you to define custom dimensions and measures using Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML to transform or aggregate your data. The ability to write custom SQL gives you the flexibility to apply more complex calculations, join logic, and filtering to your Looker models. Let’s explore how you can use custom SQL to define dimensions and measures. (Ref: Managing Persistent Derived Tables (PDTs) in LookML)

Custom Dimensions

Custom dimensions can be created using Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML expressions to transform data. For example, if you wanted to create a dimension that categorizes users based on their total orders, you could use a CASE statement in your custom SQL dimension.

lookmlCopy codedimension: user_category {
  type: string
      WHEN ${total_orders} > 100 THEN 'High Value'
      WHEN ${total_orders} BETWEEN 50 AND 100 THEN 'Medium Value'
      ELSE 'Low Value'
    END ;;

This custom dimension categorizes users based on the total_orders measure, applying business logic directly within the LookML model.

Custom Measures

Measures are used to aggregate data, and custom SQL can enhance the complexity and flexibility of these aggregations. For example, if you want to calculate the rolling average of a metric, you can use custom SQL to define the measure:

lookmlCopy codemeasure: rolling_avg_sales {
  type: number
  sql: AVG(${sales}) OVER (PARTITION BY ${user_id} ORDER BY ${order_date} ROWS BETWEEN 3 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) ;;

In this example, the custom measure calculates a rolling average of sales over the last three orders for each user, using SQL window functions.

2. Leveraging SQL Runner for Debugging and Optimization

While LookML provides a structured way to model data, sometimes writing complex SQL queries or troubleshooting performance issues requires direct interaction with the SQL engine. This is where Looker’s SQL Runner comes in. SQL Runner allows you to execute raw SQL queries directly against your database, which is incredibly useful for debugging and optimizing LookML models.

Using SQL Runner for Debugging

If you encounter issues with a LookML model, such as an incorrect measure or dimension, running raw SQL in SQL Runner can help you identify the problem. You can test SQL queries outside of LookML to ensure they return the correct results.

  1. Navigate to the SQL Runner section in Looker.
  2. Select your connection and enter the SQL query you want to test.
  3. Run the query to verify the results and ensure they match what you expect.

For example, you might want to debug a measure that’s returning unexpected results. Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML By running the underlying SQL in SQL Runner, you can validate whether the logic in your LookML model is correct or if there’s an issue with the SQL itself.

Optimizing SQL Queries

SQL Runner is also useful for performance tuning. You can use it to test different query optimizations, such as changing JOIN types, applying indexes, or altering WHERE clauses to improve query performance.

3. Using SQL Snippets for Reusable Code

Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML

As your LookML models grow in complexity, you may find yourself writing similar SQL code across different views or models. Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML To avoid redundancy and ensure consistency, Looker allows you to use SQL snippets—reusable blocks of SQL code that can be referenced in multiple places within your LookML project.

Creating and Using SQL Snippets

To create a SQL snippet, define it in the LookML project using the sql parameter:

lookmlCopy codesql_snippet: order_total {
  sql: SELECT SUM(amount) FROM orders WHERE user_id = ${user_id} ;;

Then, you can reference this snippet in any LookML model:

lookmlCopy codemeasure: total_orders {
  type: number
  sql: ${order_total} ;;

This approach reduces redundancy and allows you to maintain a single version of your SQL logic, making your LookML models more efficient and easier to maintain.

4. Complex Joins and Subqueries

Advanced SQL techniques in LookML also include working with complex JOIN statements and subqueries. Looker allows you to create custom joins and subqueries, which can be essential for combining data from different tables, applying complex filters, or building aggregate views.

Custom Joins

In LookML, you can define custom joins using the join parameter. This is helpful for creating relationships between tables that don’t fit neatly into a simple relationship model.

lookmlCopy codeview: order_details {
  sql_table_name: orders ;;
  join: customer_info {
    sql_on: ${order_details.customer_id} = ${} ;;
    relationship: many_to_one

In this example, we are joining orders with customer_info based on the customer_id. Looker will handle the join automatically for all queries against the order_details view.


Subqueries can be useful for more complex data transformations that can’t be achieved with simple JOIN statements. You can define a subquery within a derived_table to encapsulate a complex query and then use it as a reference in your Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML.

lookmlCopy codeview: order_summary {
  derived_table: {
      SELECT user_id, 
             SUM(order_total) AS total_sales
      FROM (SELECT user_id, order_total FROM orders WHERE order_status = 'Completed') AS completed_orders
      GROUP BY user_id ;;

This subquery filters the orders to only include completed ones and then aggregates the total sales per user.

5. Performance Tuning with SQL in LookML

Writing efficient SQL is key to ensuring that your LookML models perform well, Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML especially when working with large datasets. Here are a few advanced tips for improving performance:

  • Avoid SELECT *: Be specific about the columns you select to reduce unnecessary data retrieval.
  • Indexing: Work with your database team to ensure appropriate indexes are in place for frequently queried columns.
  • Limit JOIN Operations: Use JOINs judiciously, as they can quickly increase query complexity and slow down performance. Instead, consider using LEFT JOIN or INNER JOIN only when necessary.
  • Use WHERE Clauses: Always filter data as much as possible before performing aggregation to reduce the volume of data processed.

Final Thoughts

Mastering Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML is crucial for creating powerful, flexible, and high-performance data models in Looker. From writing custom SQL for dimensions and measures to leveraging SQL Runner for optimization, these techniques will help you tailor your Looker models to meet specific business needs and ensure efficient performance. Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML By using SQL snippets, handling complex joins and subqueries, and optimizing queries, you can fully unlock Looker’s potential and make the most of your data analysis efforts.

As you continue to work with LookML, incorporating these Advanced SQL Techniques in LookML will elevate your modeling skills and help you tackle more complex data problems with ease. Happy querying!
